7 Easy DIY Anti-Aging Facial Masks With Natural Ingredients

If you’ve landed here it’s because you certainly feel that age is not your best friend – all of us are somehow obsessed with the bad effects of time on our skin and body, which is what makes the beauty and wellness industry grow larger and larger. More people are aware of the negative effects of sunrays and other weather factors on their facial skin: dried skin or aged skin are the two most common reactions of our skin to certain factors, like sun, cold wind, smoke and contact to chemicals.

Homemade Anti-Aging Creams And Masks

As said, the beauty industry can help us all with thousands of amazing products that are specifically created to rehydrate our skin or to smooth it gently. It’s true that many people don’t trust chemical products and they tend to prefer natural creams and masks, especially for facial skin.

Do you need a couple of ideas? Great! We have here a list of amazing homemade beauty masks and creams that you can do yourself in a few simple steps using only natural ingredients (that you might already have in your kitchen!):coconut oil face mask

  1. Coconut oil face mask: mix 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1/2 tablespoon pomegranate seed oil. Then apply the mask to your face for an hour. Finally, wash your face. It’s a daily mask which makes the skin firm and helps fix skin damage. It’s also protective against sun rays.

  2. Avocado face mask: take half an avocado and smash it in a bowl, then add 1 tablespoon of oats. Then, apply this mask to your face for 10-to-20 minutes. Wash it off with warm water. You can use the avocado mask 2 or 3 times per week. It’s rich in antioxidants that help against the bad effects of aging (wrinkles, fine lines…).

  3. Banana face mask: this is possibly a worldwide popular facial mask. You can prepare it with 1 banana and 1 teaspoon of rose water. Smash the banana in a bowl, then add the rose water and mix it all. Keep this mask on your face for 20 minutes and finally wash it off with cold water. Use this mask every 2 days. It’s rich in vitamin E and A, that eliminate skin pigmentation and uneven skin tone.rice water

  4. Rice water skin mask: rice has always been a fundamental element in all beauty recipes from the Asian culture. All you need is 1 cup of rice water and 1 paper towel. Take the paper towel and soak it in the rice water for 10 minutes, then ring it and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. Then, take the towel off and wash your face. The rice water mask can be used every day and it has superb anti-aging effects.

  5. Potato and carrot face mask: grind 1 potato and 1 carrot together and put them in a bowl, then add 1 teaspoon rose water and mix all the ingredients. Apply this mask to your face for 20 minutes, then wash it off. It’s a daily mask which heals skin blemishes and dark circles thanks to vitamin A.

  6. Orange peel face mask: mix some orange peel powder and 1 tablespoon sandalwood powder, then add 1 teaspoon rose water and mix the ingredients to get a creamy paste. Apply this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. When the mask dries out, rinse and dry your face. Prepare this mask 2 or 3 times per week. It’s helpful as it contains antioxidants and helps relieve skin stress and facial wrinkles.Yogurt Facial Mask

  7. Yogurt face mask: white yogurt can do miracles for your skin face health, and you can prepare it in a very easy way. Just use plain yogurt or add other ingredients to it, like a grated carrot or lemon juice (to reduce the oily effect of your skin) or some honey. Yogurt is effective to soothe sunburns, to reduce eye dark circles. Yogurt gives your face a youthful look while it helps to eliminate blemishes at the same time.

Safety Tips For When Preparing Your Face Skin Mask

  • Make sure not to leave any open windows while preparing your beauty mask.
  • Try to work in a non-humid environment as this can affect the consistency of the mask and cause it to run.
  • Make sure that you have turned off the burners in your kitchen before you start, some of the ingredients in your mask may be flammable.
  • Make sure to have your phone handy in case of an emergency, for example, for a jammed bathroom or kitchen door, just call get-locksmith for quick response, so that you can carry on with your beauty routine.

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