Dermal Fillers Review

Dermal Fillers Review

Restylane vs. Juvederm

According to the experts, Restylane and Juvederm rank well with one another. Is one better than the other? No. The choice of which product to use is better left to the professionals and greatly depends on the task at hand. Both dermal fillers are hyaluronc acid products that effectively fill in facial lines and wrinkles.

Restylane (Medicis) is a gel-like product that is thicker than Juvederm (Allergan) and may treat deeper lines more efficiently. Restylane is used for creating a fuller face because of its ability to plump the skin. Once ‘molded’ it tends to stay in place and not travel into other areas.

Juvederm, on the other hand, is a more syrup-like substance and produces smoother lines without too much manipulation, and as a result, may be better around the lips and mouth area. Juvederm produces less bruising. Both last for just under a year and can correct most of the issues around an aging face.

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