

  • dermabrasion is an aggressive technique
  • microdermabrasion is less aggressive
    • microdermabrasion at clinic
    • home microdermabrasion devices or kits
      • microdermabrasion creams (see topical skin care section)
      • home microdermabrasion devices or kits

Dermabrasion has been around for some time. It’s basically an ablative or radical skin resurfacing treatment where the outermost layers are scraped away leaving just the smoother, younger looking skin below. A dermabrasion machine was operated to remove the outer layer of skin. A high strength local anaesthetic beforehand and a sedative if necessary is needed to calm your nerves. Expect swelling and inflammation during the first few weeks following the procedure. Immediately afterwards your skin will be quite red and swollen and eating and talking may be difficult. There will be tingling, burning and aching and you will probably need to take painkillers. Swelling and pain should reduce within a week. A scab or crust will form over the treated area as it begins to heal and this will fall off as a new layer of tight, pink skin forms underneath which will take up to three months to fade. Your skin may itch and you may be prescribed an ointment to rub into the affected area. Downtime is about 2 weeks, and the risk include: a change in skin pigmentation, scarring and enlarged pores.

A much less aggressive alternative is the microdermabrasion. Originally a completely in office treatment – microdermabrasion machines blast the skin with tiny rough particles (either aluminum or salt) and vacuum away the debris including the dead skin cells. Removing the surface skin cells reveals the fresher, healthier and younger skin below. Microdermabrasion machines in skin clinics are usually of two types – depending on how powerful and aggressive they are. Less powerful equipment is usually handled by estheticians to achieve a light abrasion of the skin. The most powerful microdermabrasion machines which are capable of much more aggressive results are usually only handled by qualified physicians.

Nowadays, some of the excellent home microdermabrasion creams and kits are available. Home microdermabrasion system or kit is much less expensive than the microdermabrasion at clinic. There are two broad approaches with microdermabrasion at home: 1) microdermabrasion cream (sometimes in combination with other topical products) to be applied manually 2) a microdermabrasion kit including a battery operated microdermabrasion applicator to help to get a salon experience at home. Microdermabrasion creams usually use the type of aluminum crystal used in clinic treatment. NewApeel™ is a non-crystal, diamond wand microdermabrasion cream available. The composition of the creams vary according to the manufacturer but might include other lightening or peeling ingredients – like glycolic acid – to enhance the microdermabrasion effect. However, it can’t penetrate deeper into the skin and tackle deep rooted sun damage or deeper wrinkles. Microdermabrasion is an altogether stronger and more deeply penetrating process than exfoliation, therefore when choosing micordermabrasion creams, make sure you go for a product that is more than simply an exfoliating cream (Exfoliation is light surface cleaning of the skin).Visit our best microdermabrasion creams section to find out more about microdermabrasion creams. Remember, no home treatment could give you the same results as the more powerful microdermabrasion machines.

Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive method of mechanical peeling (exfoliation) where the skin is “sand-blasted” using a controlled flow of abrasive particles, i.e. a mild-to-moderate mechanical peel. Microdermabrasion first uses a precise, pressurized stream of abrasive particles to remove the epidermis’ top layer of dead or damaged skin tissue. Then the machine’s suction device cleans up remaining crystal residue from the skin’s surface. Treatments usually take 30-45 minutes, and can cost as low as $75 per treatment. The three main types of microdermabrasion abrasive particles are:

  • Crystal: sodium chloride (NaCl), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), or magnesium oxide crystal exfoliation
  • Corundum Crystal: aluminum oxide crystal exfoliation — most popular of choice
  • Diamond-tipped: crystal-free exfoliation using natural or synthetic diamond-tipped applicators (wand)

Magnesium oxide crystals are not as hard as aluminum so there should be less chance of side effects. Since diamonds are among the hardest of all natural stones, they can be used to remove dead skin cells as well as surface markings and blemishes without the normal risks associated with traditional methods. Other methods use sand crystals composed of aluminum oxide and operate much like a sand blasting tool on your face. Just as with any sanding device, this process results in dust which can be harmful if inhaled. Excessive aluminum oxide dust also prevents traditional treatment methods from getting close to the eyes and mouth where those first fine lines typically appear.

Home microdermabrasion systems are an increasingly popular alternative to professional treatments. These are cheap and very easy to perform, and although not as powerful as professional systems, can produce good results over time. There is a great deal of competition in the home microdermabrasion systems market with most of the big cosmetics and skin care brands launching their own home systems. When you use a home microdermbrasion system the surface skin cell turnover will be enhanced and the skin will be visibly fresher. Home microdermabrasion creams with active ingredients, are focused on skin renewal and accelerate rebuilding of healthy collagen skin cells after microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing or harsh chemical peels. Home microdermabrision system then speeds up new healthy skin remodeling: the orderly process of laying out new collagen and elastin fibers.

Look for a microdermabrasion home kit that includes all the tools necessary for a home microdermabrasion session. An all-inclusive kit should contain creams, sponges, applicators and a toner, gel or moisturizer. Check the creams, gels, toners and moisturizers for ingredients. Use creams with aluminum oxide crystals, antioxidants and skin-soothing agents, such as shea butter and cucumber extract.

Microdermabrasion Cloth, Sponge, Mitt

Microdermabrasion cloths are made from a special combination of materials and woven in a particular way to maximize their exfoliating benefits. Microdermabrasion cloths have hundreds of tiny little fibers protruding from their surface which makes them great at picking up dead skin cells. In addition to exfoliating dead skin cells, microdermabrasion cloths are also good at wiping off cosmetics, grease and dirt that build up in our skin daily.

The main advantages of microdermabrasion cloths are:

  • Price (cheap)
  • Simplicity­
  • Low risk

Microdermabrasion cloths are much cheaper than home kits and treatment using microdermabrasion machines. The procedure involved in using a microdermabrasion cloth is very simple and similar to using an ordinary wash cloth.


(Micro)dermabrasion — 1 Comment

  1. When microdermabrasion first became offered,
    it was necessary to go to a spa, salon, or dermatologist to appreciate the anti-aging positive aspects of this procedure,
    What is regarding about microdermabrasion to a lot of females is what they perceive to
    become the high cost of remedies.

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