The Effect of Substance (Drug) Addiction on Skin Aging

Addictive illicit drug use is linked to premature aging. Once addition has set in, the toxicity of these drugs begin to generate significant stress on the body – quickly destroy various organs and body systems including the largest body organ – skin. Drug addiction induced premature aging are usually irreversible. Many drugs enter the body through inhalation, known as smoking drugs. High concentration carcinogens  and dozens of other toxic chemicals are present in nearly all illicit drugs. These substances cause significant pulmonary, renal and cardiovascular problems including life-threatening conditions. Smoking drugs such as cocaine, crack, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine can cause premature aging of the skin and hair loss, resulting in wrinkled, coarse skin texture. Smoked drugs also exacerbates skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and even skin cancer.

One general theories of how illicit drugs work on human body and skin is the destruction of immune system due to the fact that each introduction of drugs activate the immune defense system to fight the drug. Over time, an toxic level of drugs are accumulated in the blood and the immune system is significantly weakened after the immune system is repetitively and consistently being stressed. Consequently, premature aging sets in, and the afflicted addict becomes vulnerable to free radical damage and other environmental stressors. How the drug is ingested (smoked or needle injected) and abused is one of the biggest factors on how the skin will be affected.

  • cocaine

Needle injected cocaine rapidly destroy the skin tissues, causing skin sores, ulcers, vasculitides, skin infections known as cellulitis (inflammation of subcutaneous connective tissue) or abscesses. Recurrent skin lesion has been associated with cocaine use. Dermatillomania is the induced skin picking associated with long term use of cocaine. Necrosis of the extremities is another dramatic consequence of the injected use of drugs. Although it may occur with any drug, it is more common in cocaine users

  • heroin

After entering the body, heroin is de-acetylated and converted into morphine. The most common acute skin manifestation is skin infections through intravenous (injected) heroin and cocaine, including cellulitis, abscesses. Chronic skin manifestation is the scars formed from prolonged repetitive habit of self-injection of drugs. In most instances, scars are the result of abscesses, although they are present without abscesses. The contaminants in the drugs are capable of forming granulomas at the injection sites or along the venous path.

  • marijuana and hashish

Marijuana users has showed increased risk of premature skin aging, with prominent wrinkles. (It is different from the medicinal use of marijuana, studies has shown that medical use of marijuana seems to reduce skin cancer).

  • methamphetamines

Methamphetamines is one of the most widely known cases of addiction that cause premature aging. Methamphetamines result in the Meth mouth – the rapid decay of almost all dental structures in the mouth by the caustic materials it contains. Consequently, the skin around the face and jaw-line sags and become wrinkled, and the lips thins and become dried.

  • ecstasy

Reports of skin lesion induced by ecstasy included an acneiform dermatosis (a rash looks similar to acne) on the face with rapid onset.

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