Skin Respiratory Factors

Skin Respiratory Factors In Anti-Aging Creams

Skin respiratory factors (SRF)

SRF also called tissue respiratory factors (TRF), have been used in cosmetics for their ability to renew and revitalize the skin through stimulation of cell respiration and metabolism. Although a number of natural ingredients with the ability to enhance cell respiration have been isolated, the most abundant source is baker’s yeast. However, unlike beta-glucans, which are isolated compounds that stimulate cellular respiration, yeast extract are extracted from the cytoplasm and not from cell walls. These elements are generally mitochondrial components which can enhance cellular energy. As skin ages, it exhibits a gradual physiologic fatigue, which is compounded by oxidative stress and environmental factors. This fatigue, is going paralleled by the progressive decrease in cellular energy and metabolism as well as diminished cellular function. The addition of ingredients to anti-aging skin care that contain mitochondrial cytoplasmic yeast extracts can result in the stimulation of cellular respiration followed by enhanced cellular metabolism, vitality, and increased cell renewal.

RNA was found to improve cellular energy through a “salvage pathway” and the ability of the skin’s cells to use oxygen. This improved metabolism enhances the movement of young cells to the surface of the skin where they replace old cells. Another benefit from topically applied RNA is to repair early skin cell damage. creams containing RNA caused a visible lifting and tightening of the skin, with the wrinkles appearing to be less visible in a three-week period.

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