Innovative laser and light treatments to tackle signs of aging

A faster way to improve appearance with less recovery time and a higher degree of safety.

Published: Thursday, 21-Jul-2005

Millions of Americans suffer from skin conditions that affect their appearance and can cause emotional and social distress. Thanks to technological advances, many of these conditions are treatable with laser and light therapies which offer a faster way to improve appearance with less recovery time and a higher degree of safety.

Speaking today at ACADEMY ’05, the American Academy of Dermatology’s summer scientific meeting, dermatologist Arielle N.B. Kauvar, M.D., clinical associate professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine in New York City, discussed how innovative laser and light treatments, used alone or in combination with light-activated skin medications, are advancing dermatologists’ ability to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne, rosacea and sun damage.

“In the past, treatments for some skin conditions could be quite involved, leaving the patient with visible side effects and a long recovery time,” said Dr. Kauvar. “With today’s laser and light treatments, dermatologists can safely and effectively remove the visible signs of a variety of skin conditions with faster results and a shorter recovery time for the patient.”

Tackle Sun Damage and Signs of Aging

Almost everyone who has spent time in the sun has something to show for it — sun damage and signs of aging. Wrinkles, brown spots, loss of elasticity and actinic keratoses (AKs) are all signs of sun damage that can be treated by non-invasive laser and light therapies. Non-invasive lasers that target pigment (KTP, alexandrite, ruby lasers and IPL) or blood vessels (KTP, pulsed dye laser and IPL) are used to remove red and brown blotches associated with years of sun exposure. Other lasers (YAG, diode and erbium glass) can stimulate new collagen in the skin, thereby improving fine lines, skin texture and acne scars.

In addition to improving the visible signs of skin aging — red and brown blotches, sallowness and wrinkling — photodynamic therapy can enhance the health of the skin by destroying abnormal growths. When aminolevulinic acid is applied to the sun damaged skin, the medication accumulates in abnormal cells. Laser treatment activates the medication to destroy these abnormal calls. This treatment, termed “photodynamic photorejuvenation,” will rid the skin of early cancerous cells and growths while reducing redness, brown blotches and improving the overall skin texture and appearance.

“The advantage of these new laser and light therapies is that they work beneath the surface of the skin layer to improve a variety of bothersome skin conditions,” said Dr. Kauvar. “A dermatologist can determine your best treatment.”

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