Portrait® Plasma Skin Resurfacing System Review

Plasma skin rejuvenation technology enable a much safer alternative method of ablative skin resurfacing, because the heating energy is an ionized inert gas nitrogen which protect skin tissue from serious wound while triggering the healing response to the controlled microdamage of skin.

Portrait® Plasma Skin Resurfacing System made by Rytec is the most widely used plasma skin regeneration device in the clinic. Portrait® received FDA approval in 2003 for treatment of superficial skin lesions and keratosis and in 2004 for wrinkles and fine lines. It is best used for wrinkles and fine lines, skin discoloration, skin tightening, sun damaged skin, skin texture and skin tones, and for clients who are seeking the results of an ablative skin rejuvenation treatment but with much less risk of side effects (burn, infection, scar, longer downtime and recovery time).

Portrait® Plasma Skin Resurfacing System offer three energy levels as PSR1 (low) and PSR2/3 (high). Different energy levels of the equipment can be adjusted for the desired results and recovery time. PSR1 has litter downtime and side effects. High energy settings are used for deep lines and wrinkles and lower energy settings works as a light peel for skin resurfacing and is mainly indicated for fine lines, discoloration and skin texture and tones. The method is especially indicated for wrinkles around eyes and lips.

PSR1 setting is typically performed with topical anesthesia, while PSR2 and PSR3 usually require local anesthetic injections and preoperative sedation. A topical hydrating agent is placed on the skin before the procedure. You may experience a localized sensation of heat during the brief procedure. A full face session will take about 20 – 45 minutes while a regional treatment can be as short as 5 – 10 minutes. . A post-operative ointment will be applied to the treated area after the procedure and will be reapplied to keep the area moist as the treated area will not be washed the first 24 hours. A mild cleanser will then be used 2-3 times daily to cleanse the treated area with the post-op ointment re-applied. This regimen is repeated throughout the week at the time the procedure is done. At that time the outer layers of the skin will be shredded leaving new fresh skin to replace its place. Any mild burn or bleeding will disappear.

Compared to classic ablative laser such as CO2 laser, Portrait® is easier to use, causes less pigment changes, and requires less downtime and postoperative care. High energy penetrates the skin to a deeper level and require less number of treatments but requires a longer recovery period. Higher energy setting may require only one treatment. Treated skin areas take about a week to 10 days to return to their normal appearance. Higher level treatment for deep wrinkles may darken skin color, followed by peeling after three to five days.

At lower energy levels, Portrait® treats the skin surface and requires minimal downtime but may need to be repeated more often for the desired results. Recovery after lower energy level treatment takes a few days of time. The side effects of lower level treatment to improve surface fine lines, tone, and texture are mild and minimal. Burns and scars are rare. The lower energy level is recommended for darker skin types.

The results are comparable to aggressive laser resurfacing at high energy level. Some results may be noticed immediately. New healthier collagen growth will improve facial contours and enhance skin’s overall looking. Improvements in your skin texture and elasticity and diminished wrinkles can be observed shortly after. The skin continues to regenerate and tighten for up to a year after treatment. To protect the new skin from sun exposure when enjoying the outdoors, a good sunscreen product with proper SPF should be applied.

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