How to Remove Puffy Bags Under Eyes


Puffy bags under the eyes are a common cosmetic problem, but they are not typically a sign of a medical condition, according to the Mayo Clinic. Fluid can pool below your eyes, creating a puffy appearance. As you age, your facial muscles weaken and some of the fat around your eyes can move to your lower lids, contributing to puffiness. You can reduce bags under your eyes in most cases with simple, at-home treatments.

Step 1

Wet a clean washcloth in cool water and apply it over your closed lids to help to reduce swelling. Press lightly around your eye for five minutes to help to reduce fluid buildup, recommends Jody A. Levine, M.D., a dermatologist in New York City. Alternatively, you can press chilled, wet teabags or fresh cucumber slices on your eyes to reduce puffiness.

Step 2

Sleep with your head slightly elevated on extra pillows to prevent fluid from gathering under your eyes, recommends the Mayo Clinic.

Step 3

Discuss taking an over-the-counter or prescription allergy medication with your doctor if you suffer from allergies that irritate your eyes.

Step 4

Talk to a cosmetic surgeon about blepharoplasty, a surgical procedure that can remove puffy bags if you have extremely swollen lower lids or want a permanent solution. As with any surgery, blepharoplasty does involve some risk, but your surgeon can council you on whether it is a safe and suitable option for you.

Tips and Warnings
  • Caffeine, alcohol and salt can cause your body to retain water and contribute to puffy eyes. Avoid them to help prevent puffiness.
Things You’ll Need
  • Washcloth Teabags (optional) Cucumber slices (optional) Pillows Allergy medication


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