Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 (ECM1) Is Decreased By Chronological Aging and Increased Upon UV Exposure

Extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) is an extracellular matrix glycoprotein containing motifs with cysteine pattern as the binding sites with other matrix protein or molecules in skin. ECM1 consists of four binding domains for interacting with different ECM molecules ECM1 … Continue reading

Base Membrane Laminin And Skin Aging

The dermal epidermal junction (DEJ) in the skin is the layer responsible for supporting the epidermis and epidermal-dermal adhesion and for the communication between epidermal and dermal cells. Traditionally, the study of the mechanisms of skin aging has overlooked this … Continue reading

Age-Related Changes in Skin Epidermal-Dermal Junction

Structures at the Epidermal -Dermal junction (DEJ) derive their origin from the epidermis and dermis: the basal lamina is primarily of epidermal origin, the anchoring fibrils of dermal origin. The junction serves the following functions: (1) epidermal-dermal adherence, (2) mechanical … Continue reading