Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Vitamin B Ingredients In Skin Care Products – 

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Thiamine or thiamin (vitamin B1) sometimes called aneurin, is a water-soluble vitamin of the B complex whose phosphate derivatives are involved in many cellular processes. The best characterized form is thiamine diphosphate (ThDP), a coenzyme in the catabolism of sugars and amino acids. Thiamine is synthesized in bacteria, fungi and plants. Animals must cover all their needs from their food and insufficient intake results in a disease called beriberi affecting the peripheral nervous system (polyneuritis) and/or the cardiovascular system, with fatal outcome if not cured by thiamine administration. In less severe deficiency, nonspecific signs include malaise, weight loss, irritability and confusion. New thiamine phosphate derivatives have recently been discovered.

Vitamins B1 and B2 are critical for energy production in the cells. Overt deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B2 are known to cause special forms of dermatitis (along with many other problems). Mild deficiencies usually go unnoticed but still may produce some degree of skin damage. People who consume a diet based mainly on processed grains are particularly prone to developing such deficiencies. A few decades ago, the US government mandated that food manufacturers should add B1 and B2 to foods made of white flour. This markedly reduced the incidence of serious B1 and B2 deficiency in the US. Many other governments did the same. Still, mild deficiency (but enough to have some negative effects on the skin and some other organs) does occur, particularly in those who base their diets mainly on processes grains and potatoes.

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